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Graciella's Weekly Message

Writer: Theresa VarelaTheresa Varela

Graciella la Gitana Oracle© Sobriety


Graciella tells us that there are many different types of sobrieties. The word brings forth the image of a drunkard reeling home on the way from the bar. This week, Graciella would like us to reflect on emotional sobriety. How many of us have felt like we were experiencing emotional hangovers after conversations, vacations, the desires, the must-haves, or the inability to engage in relationships where all involved parties are honored.

Taking the time to determine what may give you a sense of calm, sanity, and prudence in your world can provide you with the sobriety you so deserve. Maybe it is addressing the empties that clink on the way to the recycling bin or it may be taking time to honor the individual that is always developing within.

Hold your favorite rosy quartz crystal to your heart. It may help bring you the healing you deserve during this period of addressing your sober needs.

If you would like to schedule a personal reading, we would love for you to reach out. Theresa Varela | Spiritual Consultations

With much love and light,

Theresa and Graciella

1 comentário

Alberto Cappas
Alberto Cappas
22 de jul. de 2023

These are great mesages; If you like, you can email article to and I can feature one of them as a monthly "Message" with your photo and byline, as well as your links where to purchase your work. Let me know. These messages are so important to our community. -- Alberto

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