The North:
Graciella speaks about the looming institutions in our lives. They are grand and they dictate to us our moves, our directions, and frequently are wrought with mazes that we must learn to navigate. These are often referred to as hospitals, places of education, and large corporations that although they serve individuals of various communities may not be doing so with a perspective of understanding or helping "the people" they serve. Graciella tells us the coming era is one in which these institutions will attempt to hold tight. They will attempt to tell the people they serve what is right for them without taking into account the effect on their constituents. Graciella urges you to speak out, speak up, look within and determine what is right for you. If you are here in physical form during these times, know that your voice and your continued persistence and perseverance in carrying messages for your survival and the generations to come is paramount. We need you, she says. You have the tools, use them. Remember that each person has their own unique perspective. Don't fight your fellow if their tool is prayer. Don't turn your nose up if your fellow's tool is art or maybe even working within the institution you abhor. We are here to provide compassion and love and to help each other as we fight the fight for our rights to breathe in clear air and all those other things that mean survival and thriving for all the peoples, not just some.
With love and light,
Graciella and Theresa