Pink full moon in Libra
In this time of the Pink full moon in Libra, we honor ourselves and our loved ones. The earth is alive with promise. The tender shoots of growth are seen on the trees, the shrubs, and the bright yellow daffodils wave hello to us as we amble past, breathing in the new. Celebrate this day and time! This month of April brings Mercury in Retrograde beginning on the 21st and ending on May 14. It is a good time to sit with what you have been working on and honing details that may have evaded you up until now. We look forward to a new moon solar eclipse at 29 degrees of Aries on April 20th. Work with these delightful energies ushering in change, newness, and a passion that ignites. The effects of the eclipse will reverberate for a while. Although it is in Aries, we may actually wait a bit to fully observe this eclipses power.
The skies hold wisdoms for us and share them easily and willingly. All we have to do is ask!